Serhii Liamtsev

·Ukraine, Kharkiv·

I am experienced iOS / Android / Flutter developer.
Enthusiast, who's continuously improving own skills and technical horizon.


iOS / Android Developer

Grid Dynamics

iOS and Android apps development and support for world-wide known companies, updating.
Protobuf + gRPC, Core Data and more interesting technologies in use
Applications domains - IoT, AR / VR

April 2021 - Current time

iOS / Flutter Developer

New Line Technologies

iOS App development for startups from scratch + existing apps support, updating.
Web-Sockets, GraphQL, Realm + Core Data and more interesting technologies in use
Applications domains - chatting, video-streaming and video-editors, AR / VR
Flutter Apps development for startups as MVP

April 2019 - Current time

Junior iOS Developer

ANODA Mobile Development Agency

iOS App development for startups from scratch.
Custom UI components implementation.
Applications domains - social networking, goods renting and delivery, video-streaming platforms, AR / VR

October 2018 - March 2019

QA Engineer

ANODA Mobile Development Agency

QA + Business Analyst execution in order to convert client product requirments to the developers specification documentation.
Full application development life-cycle support - from idea to release.
Automated Web platforms testing (Java + Selenium Web Driver)
Load Testing (JMeter)
Mobile Platforms Automated Testing (Appium + XCUITest)

April 2018 - September 2018

Junior QA Engineer

Brander Studio

Was responsible for high-quality products in the area of delivery services, online entrataiment, goods delivery and social networking.
Short-hand communication with customer, fast business requirments iterpolation into test documentation.
Mobile and Web platforms testing.

April 2017 - March 2018

Manual QA Intern

Brander Studio

Passed internship as QC/QA enginer at mobile department, continue working on web-projects testing after internship graduation.

January 2017 - March 2017


Kharkiv Aerospace National University (KHAI)

Master of Science
Automation and computer-integrated technologies. Computerizad Managment System and Automation. Research Engineer in Computerized Systems and Automation.

GPA: 4.85

August 2012 - February 2018


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Apple HIG and Goolge Material Design, Responsive Layout
  • Cross Device Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


  • Amazon Web Services


Apart from being a mobile developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the winter, I am an avid snowboarder. During the warmer months here in Kharkiv, I enjoy biking and swimming pool visiting.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies, I am an experienced chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the mobile and web development world.

Awards & Certifications

  • 2st Place - Kharkiv Aerospace National University - What-Where-When Medalist 2017
  • 3st Place - Kharkiv Aerospace National University - Hackathon 2016